Compact switchboards IA500
The Iberica range IA500 cubicles are prefabricated switchgear, ready to connect, which integrates into a sealed and insulated for life in SF6 single module all switchgear functions and their connections together with busbars according to the model. Configurations as ring main units or up to five functions in a single enclosure.

Smart grid compact switchboard IA500
The range of IA500 switchboards, with extended intelligent detection and communication functions for remote control and supervision, helping to improve the quality of supply, and with a clear improvement in energy efficiency, in smart grids for automatic fault detections.
Several configurations up to 5 functions
The non-existence of connections and joints is the best option at any electrical system, so we integrate in a single factory tested module, several configurations, such as ring main units or up to 5 functions and up to 2 fuses protections in the same sealed module sealed for life.

Compact Transformer Stations
The compact transformer station “Iberpac” integrates all the elements of the switchgear (MV RMU, MV/LV transformer and LV cabinet) of a transformer station, fully installed and connected into a single whole, very small self-supporting frame.
Advantages and main features
Very small and easy connection and operation.
Installation and adjustment free, as this is done during manufacturing, as well as maintenance, as using SF6 as dielectric, which provides them with great resistance to environmental conditions.
Three positions rotary switch type “Exarc” and with a single shaft, giving the device enhanced reliability and safety with interlocks that release the doors opening only with the switch in earthing position.
Increased operation safety, because of its pressure relief valve in case o fan internal fault or short circuit and because of its rotary switch “Exarc” that prevents earthing and closing positions at the same time.